
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Day

Mmery BbeltAne

The moon in waning with temperatures in the 70s.  It is also Loyalty Day here in America so a great day for cleaning the yard and hanging up the flag.  The roses were trimmed and the rest of the beds are ready for planting in a few weeks.  Summer is coming!
Today, I stand for beauty.
I stand for apple blossom and finch.
I stand for sun, and wind, and sky.
I stand for the shaking of the fig tree,
And the growing of the lettuce and the pea.
Today, I stand for beauty.
I stand for music to lighten the soul.
I stand for healing balms to comfort wounds.
I stand for kind words in the tempest,
And a scrap of bright cloth in the mud of war.
Today, I stand for beauty.
Heart open to the world.
Today, I conjure hope. And strength.
With the courage and the love to carry on.
Leap the fire with me,
In Beauty’s name.
Blessings be upon you. Blessings, all.


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