
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Freyr Fest

Blessed Lammas!  Today was a lovely 63 F degrees with lots of sunshine.  (Thanks Sunna sI was able to harvest some fresh tomatoes from the garden and dried some more herbs.  (Thanks Freyr q)  A plate of some of the vegetables and fruits was left out for the ancestors while I worked.  The local squirrels made quick work of it.
The days are beginning to grow shorter and the nights longer.  Lammas marks the end of the Summer and the beginning of Autumn.  This Sabbat is a celebration of the bread, as bread was the main staple of our ancestors.  While it is still warm and sunny outdoors, we can see the noticeable change in the length of the days and realize that winter is not far away.

Harvest fruits and vegetables from your garden or bake some bread. If you don't have one of your own, you might consider visiting one of the local farms.  Share your harvest with those less fortunate, divine friends and ancestors.


Freyr, for the promise of harvest
contained within a seed
we thank you.
For the oak tree
within an acorn,
The bread
within a grain,
The apple
within a pip,
The mystery of nature
gift wrapped
for us to sow
we Thank You.


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