
Sunday, August 11, 2013


We all have something to offer others in our families, communities and the world.  Live from the heart, as a vehicle of compassion, healing, harmony and love.  In service to others, is a gift we give and one we receive. 
Volunteering is generally considered an unselfish activity and is intended to promote good or improve human quality of life.  In return, this activity can produce a feeling of self-worth and respect.  There is no financial gain involved. Volunteering is also renowned for skill development, socialization, and fun.  It is also intended to make contacts for possible employment.  Many volunteers are specifically trained in the areas they work, such as medicine, education or emergency rescue.  Others serve on an as-needed basis, such as in response to a natural disaster.

Generally, Wiccans believe all living beings come from and are a part of the Divine energy, and the Divine is within everyone.  Everything is interconnected.  All people are equal in the web of life.  Doing harm to anything, even by neglect or apathy, violates Wiccan ethics.

Ask for inner guidance about your personal call to service, a chance to learn and grow.  If you are not sure about how you may serve others or if you'd like to discover ways to expand your service, here are some ideas:


F If you live in a city, then there is at least one homeless shelter that helps homeless people with meals, beds and other services. Most homeless shelters welcome volunteers and have a variety of programs through which you can get involved.  You are also likely to pick up useful clergy skills volunteering at your local homeless shelter, battered women's shelter and animal shelter.


F Thousands of children have enjoyed the magical experience of having a cherished wish fulfilled through the Children's Wish Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to bringing joy and hope to seriously ill children and their families by involving the public in putting children first with opportunities to experience the enhanced value and quality of life through the magic of a fulfilled wish.

F Many city and state parks offer volunteer programs, and in these programs you can do any number of things, including educational programs, trail construction and maintenance, pick up/clean up trash or plant flowers, shrubs, or trees.


F Volunteer at your local humane society -- walk dogs, socialize cats, help with adoptions, keep facilities clean, work with the public, provide humane education and assist with general office support.


F Volunteers are extremely vital during times of disaster.  Find Disaster Relief organizations such as Red Cross.


F Go for a walk around your neighborhood and pick up litter along the roadside.  Try to recycle what you find.

F Museums are wonderful places to volunteer -- educational and helpful. Contact any museum (art, sculpture, science, children's) in your area to find out more.


A Toast

Written by Suzanne Hartgraves, Cottonwood, CA
Raise your glasses in the air
And give three rousing cheers
To all of the extraordinary super volunteers
They always share their time
With enthusiastic hearts
They appear from out of nowhere
To do their special parts
Whenever there's a project or a
task to be completed
You can always count on them
They never are defeated
Their smiles are genuine
And their attitudes are winning
Surely they must be the ones
Who keep this old world spinning
So if there is a job to do-
Don't shrink back in fear
Just see out the expertise-
Of a Volunteer
Blessed Be!

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