
Friday, November 22, 2013

A Year in Review!

So, what have we learned over the past year?...

Eight Guidelines / Principles:
1. A free and responsible search for Truth and meaning.
It is a word that holds so much in its definition and includes such a wide variety of moral and philosophical beliefs that many are drawn to it as a simple statement of what to stand for.  In a common usage, it also means constancy or sincerity in action or character.
Laguz l-rune , predominantly with healing, peacefulness, love, truth, compassion, intuition and forgiveness.
Teiwaz t-rune , the truth will always be victorious in the end.
Balder, God of truth, love and light.
Vor, Goddess of truth.
Forseti, God of justice, peace and truth.

2. The inherent worth and Dignity of every being.
Dignity is a term used in moral, ethical, and political discussions to signify that a being has an innate right to respect and ethical treatment.  Human dignity should be inviolable.  To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all.  If anything comes out in the Eddas and Sagas it is that without honor we are nothing.  Living by the Rede, the Law of Return or whatever ethical system you embrace is honor.
Gar, spear, is also the name of , sacrifice and dignity.
Mannaz m-rune , to remember your ancestors, to act fairly and to honor the Gods.
Teiwaz t-rune , represents inner strength, morality and honor.
Hlin, Goddess of compassion and consolation.
Aegir, God of the sea, famed for his hospitality.
3.The Strength to allow one to achieve in the face of opposition.
Not merely physical strength or even “energetic” strength, such as chi or ond, but also strength of will, belief, conviction and ethics.  The strength to do and say the right thing, even in the face of severe consequences.  Courage enables us all to face the hard times in life in order to receive the rewards and benefits on the other side.
Ehwaz e, symbolizes inner strength and fortitude.
Stan for st rune, stone, a mark of one’s strength, skill and achievements.
Uruz u , associated with strength, tenacity, courage and survival skills.
Laguz l-rune , water, lake, flow, inner strength. 
Magni, God of strength.
Thor, the most powerful of the Gods.

4. Acceptance of one another and encouragement of spiritual growth.
Acceptance of our faults and the faults of others helps us to be patient and to avoid hurtful kinds of criticism or judgment.  For Asatru, fidelity is most important in terms of our faith and troth to the Gods.  In order for such a relationship to work, both must be honest and faithful to each other.  No one being has all the answers, we all must work together.
Ear q, Earth, healing energy, body and home.
Thurisaz T, allowing one’s destiny to unfold as it should, and allowing one’s self to experience all that life has to offer us.
Algiz x, encourages us to channel our energies towards the greater good. 
Sif, Goddess whose hair was cut while sleep had faith of its return.
Frigg, Goddess of family had great patience and tolerance, often defending Odin when his actions were questioned.
5. Temperance and harmony protects the rhythm of daily life.
Temperance is generally defined by control over excess.  True humility is recognizing both our strengths and our weaknesses and working to cultivate the former and transform the latter.  Humility helps us to be modest, to see that we are no better than anyone else and to be able to accept other people's help when we need it.
Wunjo w , a point of balance, a sense of fulfillment and transformation.
Ehwaz e , heralds change for the better brought about by gradual development and steady progress.
Haglaz the h-rune , represents the concept of balance.
Hela, Goddess of death, which is inevitable for balance.
Forseti, God of justice and peace, the great arbiter.
6. Justice, equity and compassion in human relations.
Justice is a concept of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality, law, natural law, religion, or equity, along with the punishment of the breach of said ethics; justice is the act of being just and/or fair.  It is the justice of law shaped by the lore of our ancestors and passed out with good judgment and true by those who can see the truth.
Teiwaz t-rune , a rune of justice, strengths, warriors and order.
Laguz l-rune , predominantly with healing, peacefulness, love, truth, compassion, intuition and forgiveness.
Forseti, God of justice and reconciliation.
Tyr , God of war and law.
Syn, Goddess of justice and defense.

7. Wisdom from the world's religions inspires ethical and spiritual life.
In Wicca, we place a great emphasis on personal responsibility; use your knowledge to make informed decisions and be ready to accept the consequences of all of your actions.  Wisdom is the ability to see what is for the best and when or when not to act.  It comes from life experience. 
Ansuz a-rune , it is a rune of inspiration, wisdom, aspirations and communication.
Eihaz , represents cycles and is a rune of wisdom and communication.
Pertho , with this we learn lessons and gain wisdom.
 Yr for y, rune combinations of skills and knowledge applied to materials taken from nature.
Mimir is the wise head in the well.
Snotra, Goddess of virtue, wisdom, self-discipline and justice.
Odin, God of war and death, wisdom and poetry.
8. Give out Love and let it come in.
To be able to be kind, considerate, gentle and sympathetic makes you all the more attractive.  Love, awe, respect and veneration for life, the Gods and ourselves.  Gratitude for all the gifts we have been given and the heartfelt willingness to pass those gifts on to others.
Laukaz l-rune , predominantly with healing, peacefulness, love, truth, compassion, intuition and forgiveness .
Ingwaz for ng q, is all about common sense and simple strengths, the home and love of the family, caring and human warmth.
Frigg , Goddess of romance, marriage, sex and reproduction.
Freya , Goddess of war, death and sexuality.
Freyr , worshipped as a phallic fertility God.
Sjofn, Goddess associated with love.
Lofn, Goddess of forbidden loves.
Four Seasons / Elements:
Winter, Earth is Home, Earth
The Earth is fertile and stable, associated with the Goddess. The planet itself is a ball of life, and as the Wheel of the Year turns, we can watch all the aspects of life take place in the Earth.
Berkanan b rune , rune of ‘Mother Earth,’ the ‘Great Mother,’ or the ‘Earth Goddess.’
Ear rune of the ea, Earth, healing energy, body and home.
Inguz ing N, Inguz is considered to be the name of an old Germanic Earth.
othala o, ancestors, foundation, experience and property. 
Jord, Goddess of the Earth.
Gefjun, Goddess of fertility and plough.
Spring, Spirit is Enchanted, Air
Air is the element of the East, connected to the soul and the breath of life. If you’re doing a working related to communication, wisdom or the powers of the mind, Air is the element to focus on. Air carries away your troubles, blows away strife, and carries positive thoughts to those who are far away.
Ansuz a-rune , promises spiritual renewal and progress, clear vision and good health.
Air (wind, future, change, ideas), when we breathe in deeply we inhale this life force and rhythmic breathing exercises helps to attune you to the powers of Air.
Sunna, Goddess of Sun.
Mani, God of Moon.
Idunn, Goddess of youth.

Summer, Body is a Temple, Fire
Fire is a purifying, masculine energy, associated with the South, and connected to strong will and energy. Fire both creates and destroys, and symbolizes the fertility of the God.  Fire can heal or harm, and can bring about new life or destroy the old and worn.
Cen c rune c, rune of the brightly burning torch that lights up the hall in the evening, whose flames represent the safe, tempered Fire of the hearth.
Cweorth for q, to help someone get through burning times, and have the strength to excise what needs to go.
Kenaz k-rune k, is light, inspiration and knowledge are often associated with this rune, as in ‘shedding light on a problem’, or ‘ gaining enlightenment’.
Loki, God of fire.
Baldr, God of light and love.
Autumn, Mind is Divine, Water
Water is a feminine energy and highly connected with the aspects of the Goddess. Used for healing, cleansing, and purification, Water is related to the West, and associated with passion and emotion. In many spiritual paths, consecrated Water can be found – holy water is just regular Water with salt added to it and usually a blessing or invocation is said above it.
Isaz i-rune , ice, lack of motion or blockage.
Laukaz l-rune , it represents the ebb and flow of life, to embrace change as it is the only constant in life.
Hagalaz h-rune h, means hail, precipitation, transformation
Njord, God of sea, wind, fish and wealth.
Elli, Goddess of old age who beat Thor in wrestling.
Ran, Goddess of the sea.
Eight Observations / Sabbats:

Winter Solstice, Yule
Imbolc, Charming of the Plow
Spring Equinox, Summer Finding

Beltane, May Day
Summer Solstice, Midsummer
Lammas, Freyr Fest
Autumn Equinox, Winter Finding
               Veterans (Warriors)
Samhain, Winter Night



Thank You and Blessed Be!

Vielen Dank, dass sie selig werden!

Dziękuję i Niech będzie błogosławiony!

Благодарю вас, и благодать!

TAnk yEu FAnd blesed be!!


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