
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Kalc Rune

Kalc is used for kk (chalice).  K

Drink from the chalice of such wondrous design, as it is lovingly held. 
Filled with mead, an offering to love’s grace.


Kalc represents a chalice and is a rune for offerings, as in the kind given to whichever God or Gods you give praise to. It can also, if one follows the Arthurian tradition, represent the Holy grail.

A Chalice is a goblet or footed cup intended to hold a drink. In general religious terms, it is intended for drinking during a ceremony.  In Wicca a chalice, as a feminine principle, is often used in combination with the Athame (ceremonial knife), as male principle. Combining the two evokes the act of procreation, as a symbol of universal creativity. 

Kalc is a useful rune for preparing to give something of great value in a ceremony, it can also be a good rune for dedicating oneself to a cause or to one’s path.



  1. This is a wonderful site. Not only is it beautiful to look at, but there is a wealth of information here! I have passed your site on to my husband who uses runes in his leatherwork.

    1. Thank You! I have several more posts on runes coming up :-)

  2. Hi,i was wondering if you can describe this rune further as in what it means to see this rune in a reading.thanks

    1. Hi! Kalc is used for chalice, from the Northumbrian Runes. Kalc is a useful rune for preparing to give something of great value in a ceremony, it can also be a good rune for dedicating oneself to a cause or to one’s Path.

      It is another rune linked with water, Kalc speaks of reflection, of looking inward, of containing the free flow of Lagu into something useful. Kalc also denotes the death of the individual, however it is not seen as a death rune. Like Ear, Kalc indicates the natural ending or conclusion of a process. Do not view this ending as a termination, but as the end of an old era resulting in a spiritual transformation.

    2. Chalc or Calc (pronounced khalk, with a gutteral H, although modern people have trouble with that sound and usually just use "ch") is the Rune of the Chalice. This is the Holy Grail, Arthur's ideal at the end of the quest, and this rune is the ideal that we all strive for. Each person's Holy Grail may be different, but we all have them....or we suffer greatly from lack of that quest. To draw Chalc is to find again that your grasp must exceed your reach, that you may not reach the goal on the horizon, but your life will not be worth much if you don't try.

      Chalc has two galdr uses, one high-minded and one rather sleazy. On the one hand, it can be used as a talisman to help you find whatever it is that you are spiritually questing for. On the other hand, it can be applied to an object to temporarily make others desire that thing beyond its real value, which can be used by sleazy salespeople in ways I don't recommend.
