
Saturday, November 2, 2013


For Acceptance of one another and Encouragement of Spiritual Growth

Acceptance in human psychology is a person's assent to the reality of a situation, recognizing a process or condition (often a negative or uncomfortable situation) without attempting to change it, protest or exit.  The concept is close in meaning to 'acquiescence', derived from the Latin 'acquiÄ“scere' (to find rest in).
Acceptance is fundamental to the core dogma of most Abrahamic religions, the word "Islam" can be translated as "acceptance" or "voluntary submission" and could be compared to some Eastern religious concepts such as Buddhist mindfulness.  Religions and psychological treatments often suggest the path of acceptance when a situation is both disliked and unchangeable or when change may be possible only at great cost or risk.
Acceptance means embracing what is, rather than wishing for what is not. When we accept difficult realities, we are able to discover whatever positive feelings and experiences may be possible in that situation. We find ourselves more at peace and able to experience life more deeply. Even so, acceptance must be guided by discernment – learning how to tell the difference between what we can change and what we cannot.
Acceptance of our faults and the faults of others helps us to be patient and to avoid hurtful kinds of criticism or judgment. By accepting faults we become more able to trust and celebrate strengths. Paradoxically, acceptance often leads to growth because it creates a safe space for insight and understanding.
The Eight Wiccan Virtues come to us from Valiente, considered by many to be the mother of modern Wicca.  The Eight Wiccan Virtues are listed in the line, "Let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you."
Humility, sometimes misunderstood, the virtue of humility doesn't mean to lack self-respect or dignity, or to engage in self-abasement. Contrarily, humility is recognizing both your strengths and your weaknesses, and then learning to cultivate your strengths and transform your weaknesses. Humility helps us to be modest, to see that we are no better than anyone else and to be able to accept other people's help when we need it.

Mirth, although some perceive mirth as meaning to be silly or to get a case of the giggles, the virtue of mirth is so much more. Mirth means to not always take yourself so seriously. Laugh off mistakes, cut yourself and others some slack, and realize that you (and all of us) are,
after all, only human.

Mirth also means to find and join in on the sheer pleasure of life and of living. Look for joy in the
little things in life like the way trees dance in the wind, the silly antics of a beloved pet, or the giggles of a child. You'll discover more laughter and joy in your life. And, you won't be disappointed, because if you look for them, the "little things" happen every day.

In many branches of Norse Paganism, including but not limited to Asatru, adherents follow a set of guidelines known as the Nine Noble Virtues.  The Odinic Rite lists the 9 Noble Virtues as Courage, Truth, Honor, Fidelity, Discipline, Hospitality, Industriousness, Self-Reliance and Perseverance.

Self-Reliance is taking care of oneself, while still maintaining relationships with Deity. It’s important to honor the Gods, but also to take care of the body and mind. To do this, many Norse find a balance between doing for others and doing for the self. To thrive as part of a community, we must also be able to thrive as individuals.
Perseverance is continuing despite potential obstacles. To persevere is to not only rise up in the face of defeat, but to learn and grow from our mistakes and poor choices. Thorne says, “Look, anyone can be mediocre. Anyone can be average. Anyone can do just enough to get by. But if we want to excel, and live up to our fullest potential, then we have to persevere. We have to push on even when things are hard and frustrating, or even if it seems like things are completely impossible. If we don’t persevere, then we have nothing to strive for.”
Ear q symbolizes the grave that we will all return to, the dust our bodies become after death.  More generally Ear signifies the unavoidable end of all things.  It is not death as seen in the Tarot, it is not transformation, it is the dead-end where the physical form ends. Ear then is a simple rune to understand, and is useful for putting things to rest, ending bad relationships, cutting ties, ending patterns and accepting that inevitably, everything comes to an end.
The Thurisaz T rune may indicate conflict or protection; as in protection from conflict. On some levels, it represents the subconscious. The energy of conflict is neutral in, and of itself. It is important to the Norse worldview to accept the dynamics involved here. With Thurisaz in play, the strength of the individual’s will and the opposing will from the environment will be at odds.
Algiz x offers a connection to the powers in whose hands lie our fate, and encourages us to channel our energies towards the greater good.  Turned on its side, it looks like a flying swan or goose.  The polarity involves protecting yourself while you are in those initial stages of flight, before you master your wings.  

The Cake
A little boy is telling his Grandma how "everything" is going, family problems, severe health problems, etc. Meanwhile, Grandma is baking a cake. She asks the child if he would like a snack, which of course he does.
"Here, have some cooking oil."
"Yuck," says the boy.
"How about a couple of raw eggs?"
"Gross, Grandma."
"Would you like some flour then? Or maybe baking soda?"
"Grandma, those are all yucky!"
To which the Grandma replies: "Yes, all those things seem bad all by themselves. But when they are put together in the right way, they make a wonderfully delicious cake!
~ unknown
Any kind of expectation creates a problem. We should accept, but not expect. Whatever comes, accept it. Whatever goes, accept it. The immediate benefit is that your mind is always peaceful. ~ Sri Swami Satchidananda



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