
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Mannaz Rune

Mannaz is the name of the m-rune ᛗ of the word for man, humanity.

Be happy in life.
Bring happiness to your friends
and relations.
Yet be aware that death is always waiting.

This is the ‘Rune of Mankind’ – the Human. It is said to represent the perfect human, regardless of gender. This belief appears to be based on the thought that we are all genetically linked to the Gods and the universe. This rune represents the human as a whole, incorporating the intelligence, memory, rationality, common sense, traditions and cultures of the human race. It represents our ‘humanity’ .

The Mannaz rune exposes and expressed both the strengths and weaknesses of the human being. It is the essence of what the Norse and ancient peoples of all cultures, as well as many of us today, look to pass down and teach our children: to be smart, to remember your ancestors, to act fairly and to honor the Gods. Mannaz is a part of the soul of the human race that connects all and says ‘we are one.’

According to Norse Cosmology, the realm of the human race is Midgard. Mannaz represents all of humanity who dwell on the Earthly plane.

Mannaz is the rune of relationships and connections. It is about those with whom with have intimate relationships, such as our immediate circle of family and friends, to the wider community. It also extends to our connection with nature and our instincts to be social creatures. Mannaz represents our connection with the Universe and nature, as well as the lifecycle of birth, death and rebirth.

The Mannaz rune is one of mortality, but also represents interdependence and support, as well as duty and responsibility. No individual is independent of others and each plays a part in the larger pattern of life, interacting within other’s lives as well as living their own.


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