
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Warrior God

Most belief systems encourage their followers to believe in God, but only God and only one (Christianity, Islam, Buddhism).  Even some of the Pagan traditions lean so heavily toward the God that a Goddess is almost never mentioned (Asatru) and some Pagan traditions follow strictly Goddess worship so the God is hardly ever mentioned (Wicca). 
As Pagans, our belief in a God and a Goddess is part of what separates us from other Spiritual paths.  One of the other things that sets us apart is the way we view our relationship to our deities.  We do not grovel to them, tell them we are unworthy of their attention, and then ask them to fix all the problems in our lives.  Instead, we work with them, as partners, to improve the parts of our lives that need improving. We honor and love them, of course, but we are not required to sacrifice our dignity simply to gain their attention.

Like the Goddess, the God also goes through stages: Warrior, Father and Sage.

The Warrior represents youth and vigor, hope and vitality, and the thrill of the hunt.  The warrior phase usually begins at puberty and can extend physiologically into adulthood.  Historically, the warrior was considered to be the son until he left the home and could stand on his own.  He is not mated yet and is at the peak of his sexual drive.  He signifies naiveté, daring, a sense of adventure, vitality, action, exuberance, and freedom.  The ancient Egyptians expressed this archetype as Horus, who flies through the sky freely, with the sun in one eye and the moon in the other.

Full of the impetuosity and arrogance of youth, this one seeks to strike out upon their path and nothing will stand in their way.  They are unstoppable.  Life will open up before them and bow down in their wake.  They are the soldiers of destiny that will hold the previous generations accountable for their misdeeds.

The Horned God that witches honor also symbolizes this facet of the Divine Masculine.  His wildness, sensuality, and passion make him brashly attractive.  This deity expresses the connection to nature as well, and to all the primal magic therein.  He is the God of the police officer, the military, security guards, and those who protect.  He teaches us the importance of responsibility and self-respect.

In Germanic mythology and religion, Thor is the God of thunder. He is typically portrayed as red-headed and bearded, and carrying Mjolnir, a magical hammer. Depictions of Mjolnir became popular adornment for warriors during the age of the Vikings, and it is still seen today among adherents of some forms of Norse Paganism.


In Norse legend, Tyr (Tiw) is the God of one-on-one combat. He is a warrior, and a God of heroic victory and triumph. Interestingly, he is portrayed as having only one hand. He appears in the Prose Edda as the son of Odin, but as Hymir's child in the Poetic Edda.


·        The chaste tree, meadowsweet, lemongrass, white rose, hyacinth, narcissus, crocus, apple blossoms, peach blossoms, lilac, gardenia

·        The morning hours of the day, from dawn until noon

·        The spring months

·        The waxing moon


I, the warrior, speaks to you from my Spirit.  I hold the sword of truth and wear the crown of courage.  I fight the dragons of the world and within myself to find the treasures of life.  Join me.  Together we will conquer fear!



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