Most belief
systems encourage their followers to believe in God, but only God and only one
(Christianity, Islam, Buddhism). Even
some of the Pagan traditions lean so heavily toward the God that a Goddess is
almost never mentioned (Asatru) and some Pagan traditions follow strictly Goddess
worship (Dianic) so the God is hardly ever mentioned.
As Wiccans, our belief in a God and a Goddess is part of what separates
us from other Spiritual paths. One of
the other things that sets us apart is the way we view our relationship to our
deities. We do not grovel to them, tell
them we are unworthy of their attention, and then ask them to fix all the
problems in our lives. Instead, we work
with them, as partners, to improve the parts of our lives that need improving. We honor and love them, of course, but we are
not required to sacrifice our dignity simply to gain their attention.

The Goddess
has three forms-Triple Goddess; Maiden, Mother, and Crone.
The Maiden represents youth and innocence, magic and
new beginnings, and the thrill of discovery. She is not yet mated but is on the threshold
of her sexuality. In this aspect, she
symbolizes innocence, hope, joy, curiosity, flexibility, courage, and
enthusiasm. Greco-Roman mythology
expressed this phase of the Goddess as Luna, the chaste moon Goddess. Diana, Artemis, Eos, Renpet, Bast, and
Persephone also characterize the maiden aspect of the Divine Feminine.
The Maiden is
the youngest aspect of the Goddess. She is the innocence and lack of worries,
the joy of living. The Maiden is usually associated with the waxing moon, the
spring season, the colors white and pink and flowers, especially the wild,
young or white ones. She represents purity and the innocence
of childhood, where the soul’s dreams, magic and make believe still prevail.
She is often called on for coming of age and handfasting rites.
The Maiden reminds you to look
after the magical child that lies within us all. It reminds you to stay in
touch with your childhood intuition and fantasies that are used to fulfill your
dreams. Hence you can still have the
Maiden in you at any time of life.
The Valkyries, are held to be
the adopted daughters of Odin, they appear as the beautiful warrior-maidens on
winged horses, armed with helmets, armor and spears. Their purpose is to visit battlefields and
chose the most heroic of those who have died in battle (the Einherjar) and
carry them off to the halls Valhalla and Folkvang.
Idunna ('Rejuvenator') is the Goddess of the radiant dawn,
eternal youth, and rebirth, and so is a fitting matron of Springs' regeneration
of fertility, and life which comes with the return of the growing season. Idunna is the custodian of the golden apples
which allowed the Aesir Gods to maintain their youthfulness, and was the only
one among the Gods who was allowed to gather them, which she safely kept in a
golden chest.
Baby animals (before puberty)
The colors silver, white, and
light blue
Lightweight clothing and delicate
fabrics such as gauze, lace, thin cotton, and silk
Clear quartz, pearl, diamond,
Maiden, Goddess of Spring, please bring illumination in early morning. As you awaken at your hour, let me feel your
energy and power.
The Mother represents caring and nurturing,
protection and justice, and fertility. She
is usually mated and in the prime of her sexuality. Her attributes include
fertility, creativity, nurturing, comfort, abundance, strength, sensuality,
confidence, and power. Cave paintings
and rock carvings of Goddesses, some as old as 35,000 years BC or earlier,
depict the Divine life-giving Goddess.
The Venus of Willendorf, is perhaps the most well known of these ancient
Mother-Goddess deities, most of the early images of the Goddess show an
abundant, round, full figured being. Pele,
Gaia, Freya, Isis, Ceres, Demeter, Brigid, Oshun, Yemaja, Aphrodite, Venus,
Tara, and Mary are among the Goddesses who personify the mother phase of the Divine

Freyja, or Freya,
was a Norse Goddess of abundance, fertility and war. She is still honored today
by some Pagans, and is often associated with sexual freedom. Freya could be called upon for assistance in
childbirth and conception, to aid with marital problems, or to bestow
fruitfulness upon the land and sea.
Jord is the great Goddess of the wild, primitive and
uncivilized areas on Earth. Jord is the
mother of Thor who was fathered by Odin.
Identified as a giantess, she is often referred to in poetry as 'Odin's
bride'. The traces that have survived of the worship of the personified Earth
herself show that she was honored by the Germanic people, though not active in
many tales.
Frigg ('All-Mother')
was the wife of the all-powerful Odin and was considered a Goddess of fertility
and marriage within the Norse pantheon. Like
many mothers, she is a peacemaker and mediator in times of strife.
Pregnant or nursing animals
Rich colors: ruby red, forest
green, royal blue, and amber
Luxurious clothing and fabrics
including velvet, damask, cashmere, silk, and mohair
Geode, emerald, turquoise, opal,
coral, rose quartz, amber
Goddess Mother, abundance is your essence of being. Blessings flow from you limitlessly, your
Universe is harmony and tension in balance.
Within each of us, you are Alive!
The Crone represents logic and wisdom. She considers anyone younger than her to be
her child and can be frighteningly vengeful if any of her children are harmed. The attributes inherent in this aspect of the
Divine Feminine include wisdom, intuition, prophecy, stability, pragmatism,
patience, detachment, and fortitude.
Sophia, Hecate, Ceridwen, White Buffalo Woman, Butterfly Woman, Kali,
Lilith, Baba Yaga, and Kuan Yin are among the Goddesses who personify the crone
phase of the Divine Feminine.
The Crone
represents wisdom, repose, death and endings represented by the waning
moon. In early cultures, she is often
depicted as a grandmother, a wise woman or a midwife. Her own child baring days are past - she is
now the wisdom keeper, seer and healer; whose knowledge is sought out to guide
others during life's hardships and transitions.
She mediated disputes, she had influence over tribal leaders and she
cared for the dying as they took their final breaths.
There are a
lot of strong Goddesses to be found in Norse mythology, but Elli,
was nicknamed 'the Giant Crone'. She
challenged the God Thor to a wrestling match—and won. To be fair to Thor though, the whole thing
turned out to be a bit of a trick. Elli,
although the weakest of the giantesses of Utgardr, was actually the
personification of old age. After the
giantesses told Thor about their stunt, he obviously wasn’t too happy, even
though the fact that Elli only managed to get Thor down to one knee was a mark
of his strength.
The Norns of the Norse Mythology are three old hags by the names of Urd
(fate), Skuld (necessity) and Verdandi (being).
They live beneath the roots of Yggdrasil, where they weave the tapestry
of Fates. Each man's and woman's life is
a string in their loom and the length of the string is the length of the
person's life.
Old animals
Dark colors: brown, black,
midnight blue, purple
Heavy clothing (often robes) and
fabrics including wool, linen, and velvet
Smoky quartz, jet, onyx, amethyst,
the Crone, Dancer of Time. The Crone
comes dancing silently, powerfully, relentlessly, To All!
The God also
has three stages-Triple God; Warrior, Father, and Sage.
The Warrior
represents youth and vigor, hope and vitality, and
the thrill of the hunt. The warrior
phase usually begins at puberty and can extend physiologically into
adulthood. Historically, the warrior was
considered to be the son until he left the home and could stand on his own. He is not mated
yet and is at the peak of his sexual drive. He signifies naiveté, daring, a sense of
adventure, vitality, action, exuberance, and freedom. The ancient
Egyptians expressed this archetype as Horus, who flies through the sky freely,
with the sun in one eye and the moon in the other.

In Germanic
mythology and religion, Thor is the God of thunder. He is typically portrayed as red-headed and
bearded, and carrying Mjolnir, a magical hammer. Depictions of Mjolnir became popular adornment
for warriors during the age of the Vikings, and it is still seen today among
adherents of some forms of Norse Paganism.
In Norse
legend, Tyr
(Tiw) is the God of one-on-one combat. He is a warrior, and a God of heroic
victory and triumph. Interestingly, he
is portrayed as having only one hand. He
appears in the Prose Edda as the son of Odin, but as Hymir's child in the
Poetic Edda.
The chaste tree, meadowsweet,
lemongrass, white rose, hyacinth, narcissus, crocus, apple blossoms, peach
blossoms, lilac, gardenia
The morning hours of the day, from
dawn until noon
The spring months
The waxing moon
God guide me, protect me, illumine the lamp of my heart and make me a brilliant
star. Thou art the Mighty and Powerful.
The Father
represents security and wisdom, devotion and Spirit, and growth. He is usually mated and is virile and
productive. It is the time when men are
taking on the responsibilities of adulthood.
They are gathering experiences and gaining wisdom from the lessons of
life. Historically, a man entered the
father phase when he had a child, became a leader in the community, or gave birth
to new concepts or ideas. This aspect of
the Divine Masculine represents strength, power, authority, leadership ability,
protection, responsibility, and courage. He is viewed
as the warrior king in some cultures, the wise ruler in others. In modern Western
society, he could be seen as the capable corporate executive.
The Father God
in some early cultures oversaw the crafts, such as those of the smiths who were
regarded as magic workers in their own right.
Hephaestus, originally a fire God in Lycia and Asia Minor, eventually
became the God of craftspeople in Greece.
He earned this reputation by constructing palaces for the Gods and
fashioning Zeus's thunderbolts. This
creative aspect of the Father can also be seen in the figure of Bahloo, the
Australian aborigine All-Father, whose job was to create all animals and people
with his consort.
He is the
Green Man, The Son God, Lord of the Hunt or Oak King. The God becomes Man. He
takes a wife. He grows up and sheds a good portion of his youthful way. His arrogance
is honed into self confidence and he becomes what he was meant to be. The face of the Lord is in the face of every
man and each of them has a different craft. Bel, Apollo, Mithra, Kai, Hymen,
and many others. It is in this aspect
that the Lord is worshiped most.
Njord is one of the Vanir and the God of seamanship and
sailing. He is the father of Freyr and Freya. The King of the Vanir Gods, Njord was
directly responsible for bringing the primeval war between the Gods to an end,
and in establishing peace between the two tribes. Down through the ages, Heathens have
remembered him for this monumental feat, and to this day, still call upon him
for peace.
Odin ('All-father')
was a shape shifter, and frequently roamed the world in disguise. One of his favorite manifestations was that of
a one-eyed old man; in the Norse Eddas, the one-eyed man appears regularly as a
bringer of wisdom and knowledge to heroes. He pops up in everything from the saga of the
Volsungs to Neil Gaiman's American Gods. He was typically accompanied by a pack of
wolves and ravens and rode on a magic horse named Sleipnir.
Apple, pomegranate, peach,
raspberry, strawberry, red clover, red rose, mint, iris, jasmine, cinnamon,
parsley, daisy, myrtle, orchid, saffron
The afternoon hours, from noon to
Summer through the harvest season
The full moon
dearest Father, help me to know and understand your will, allow me the strength
to accomplish all you ask of me. Help me
to be strong enough this day to show love to everyone, even those who show
hatred toward me. So Mote It Be.
The Sage
represents discretion and reasoning. The
status of the sage was traditionally achieved in a man's later years and/or
when he became a grandfather. He has
gone through a long passage and he no longer has the ego-based needs of
recognition through performance and success.
He is free to accomplish and contribute for the sake of beauty and inner
purpose. He advises
and loves all his children and will retaliate quickly if they are harmed. He oversees the underworld, destiny, death,
resurrection, and justice.
Like the
Crone, his concerns extend beyond the physical world and involve the process of
transformation, assimilation of knowledge, and movement between the various
levels of existence. The sage holds his wisdom
in the gentle way that honors all life.
This is man
at his wisest and calmest. Long gone are the days of do first think later that
were the keystone to Youth, instead the God has become a thinker, a
philosopher, and often a magician. This is the Grandfather of the World, The
Old Man in the Mountain, Owen ap Urien, Horus, Thoth.
mythological elder God, known as the Holly King, who battles with the Oak King
is one version of the sage archetype. Truthfully,
the sage could win this battle with his wits if he so chooses. Nonetheless, he allows himself to lose so that
the Wheel of Life will keep turning.
Buri is the God formed by the cow Audumla licking the ice
which collected within Ginnungagap. He
is the father of Bor, and thus the Grandfather of Odin, Ve and Vili. Buri is the progenitor of all the Race of Gods.
Buri was formed out of the solidification
of primal matter, potential and energy.
Mimir, being a
particularly wise deity, was the counselor of the Gods. He owned a well, the Mimisbrunnr, the water
of which granted wisdom and the power to see into the future. Odin sacrificed
one of his eyes for a drink from the Mimisbrunnr.
Holly, mandrake, pine, juniper,
mistletoe, nightshade, nuts, oak, moss, wintergreen, ginseng; also dried or
withered plants
The hours from sunset to dawn
Autumn into winter
The waning moon
my dearest and eternal, please show me the way of wisdom and grant me the
strength to follow it no matter what adversary stands in my way. So Mote It Be.
For many
there is also a fourth archetype, the Dark.
Both and neither male or female, young or old and/or good or bad. It is the mysteries of life. The shadows between transitions. Not really a 'evil' Divine, just the dark to
balance the light. The Dark Divine is the aspect of the God/dess
most often deemed mysterious, dangerous, violent or ill tempered. Dark Goddesses or God appear in almost all
religions featuring female/male deities and are widely the most misinterpreted
and misunderstood of deities worshipped by modern day practitioners.

Darkness in Wicca
is not a negative thing, it is rest, stillness or letting go. Wicca speaks of
dark in its more original context: 'hidden or unknown'. The Dark Divine is the counterpart to the life
giving aspect of the Spirit we usually associate with. It brings death, for without death, we cannot
fertilize the Earth to bring new life. It
is the destroyer, for without destroying that which we no longer need, we
cannot grow. It is the keeper of magic and mystery, for without the hidden
truths, our journey as a human seems without point and purpose. Darkness should be honored, it is necessary
and valuable to the circle.
The Dark Spirit
represents the hidden and suppressed aspects of a women and men psyche that
lives unseen in the shadows of the personality. In order to know oneself, one needs to
intimately know and understand both your light and dark aspects.
Hela features in
Norse legend as the Goddess of the underworld-half human and half skeleton. She was sent by Odin to Helheim/Niflheim to
preside over the Spirits of the dead. It
was her job to determine the fate of the souls who entered her realm.
Loki is a complex
and cunning Giant/God-he is said to be quite fair in appearance, but capricious
in manner, with a heart full of chaos and a dark side. He is both a father and a mother. In the earlier myths, he is presented as
being less-than-malicious in his tomfoolery and even helpful in some
situations. In the instances when he
would get the Gods in trouble, he would get them back out of trouble and in
many cases he would put them in an even better situation than they were before.
The new moon
Raven, dog or cat
I am the Darkness
behind the shadows. I am the absence of
air that awaits every breath. I am the
ending before life begins again, the decay that fertilizes the living. I am the bottomless pit, the never ending
struggle to reclaim that which is denied.
I am the key that unlocks every door, for I am that which is hidden and
secluded. So may it be.
Choosing your
Matron Goddess and Patron God may not be an easy task. It will likely require much thought and
research on your part. Your decision
should be your own and will be decided partially by the path you are on, and
partially by your own personal preference. For instance, if you find yourself drawn to a
particular pantheon, your Deities will, most likely come from there.
However, the
choice may be made for you. It is not
uncommon for someone to be chosen by a God or a Goddess. If you find yourself drawn to a specific
Deity, you are probably being given a clue that you have been chosen by them. If this happens, pay attention! Research the deity, meditate on their
particular pantheon, go on a guided journey to meet them; whatever method you
choose is fine but you should definitely try to find out more about them. You will encounter, and work with, many Gods
and Goddesses on this path. The more you
learn about them, the more comfortable you will be in invoking their energy. They are there to help us improve our lives
and, while they do not expect sacrifices from us, they do expect us to respect
them. One of the best ways to show
someone respect is to show an interest in them and learn what they are like,
not just on the surface, but in their hearts. It is no different with the God and Goddess.
Skeptics have
asked for eons how it is that we know the God & Goddess really exist. We know they are real because we feel their Divine
energies in our own souls. We see them
manifested in all the life that surrounds us and we feel their presence in
ritual and everywhere else. In the
birds, rocks, trees, humans, stars, fish, computers and more. To those whose lives are so closely tied to
every living thing, the question is never 'if' we know they exist, but rather,
how can others not know they do?
God, thank you for this glorious day. Thank
you for the sunshine, and thank you for the rain. Thank you for the blue skies, rivers, streams
and lakes.
Goddess, thank you for the green grass, and thank you for the trees. Thank you for the many birds singing in the
dearest Divine Friends, thank you for giving of yourselves so selflessly to me.
Thank you for life itself, a precious
gift that's free. Blessed Be!
How can I purchase a poster of your picture of the Goddess & Gad in the forest above? This is exactly what I have been looking for for the wall above my altar!!!
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