
Thursday, October 16, 2014


$_35.jpgA talisman is an object which is believed to contain certain magical or sacramental properties which would provide good luck for the possessor or possibly offer protection from evil or harm.  The Dutch word toverij, the German word Zauber, and the Old English term teafor all mean 'magic' and are related to the Norse word taufr, used for an amulet or talisman: all these terms are derived from a Germanic root meaning 'red, vermillion'.

Amulets and talismans are often considered interchangeable despite their differences.  For example, the amulet is an object with natural magical properties, whereas a talisman must be charged with magical powers by a creator; it is this act of consecration or 'charging' that gives the talisman its alleged magical powers.  The talisman is always made for a definite reason whilst an amulet can be used for generic purposes such as averting evil or attracting good luck.  Note that Amulets, a lot of the time are used to prevent or repel things while talismans are often used as transmitters, projectors or attractors of some sort.

An amulet is made from a natural object, so we are not making it per say.  What we are doing is simply making it wearable.  An excellent example of this is a Hag stone.  Some amulets are also stones, bones, sticks, feathers, vines or other nature items depending on your Path.  But remember to collect with respect.


All the traditional magical schools advise that a talisman should be created by the person who plans to use it.  They also recommend that the person making the talisman must be familiar with all the symbolisms connected to all the different planetary and elemental forces.  In several medieval talismans, geomantic signs and symbols were used in relation with different planets.  It is also feasible to augment a personal touch to the talisman through adding a verse, inscription, or pattern.

Making a talisman is as simple as painting a Rune on an item.  According to tradition, the talisman can be filled with a magical charge to accomplish the purpose it symbolizes.  This is done by holding the talisman and imaging yourself filling it with magical force from your hands.  Then, simply tell the magick what to do for you.  Another way of doing this is to place the Rune talisman beside a lit candle in order to charge it.  Some spell casters put the charm in a cloth pouch with the appropriate crystal, herb or metal.  This would be carried in purse or pocket.  

An example from Norse tradition is the Aegishjalmur (helm of awe) that should be worn over the forehead, perhaps scratched or drawn on the inside of one's helmet.  Its purpose is protection and irresistibility in battle.  One could also draw it on one's forehead with salvia or blood.


Clear quartz: good for any purpose

Rose quartz: for love and harmony

Amethyst: for wisdom and psychic powers

Aventurine: for healing and prosperity.

Moonstone: for emotions, peace and love

Tiger's eye: for wealth and protection


Iron: for protection and strength

Silver: for protection, Lunar power, love, prosperity

Gold: for prosperity and protection

Tin: for wealth and honor

Copper: for love and healing

Aluminum: for travel, communication


Rosemary: for protection, love and purification

Thyme: for dreams, psychic powers, love

Coriander: for friendship, harmony, love

Peppermint: for prosperity, good fortune

Spearmint: for healing

Rose: for love

Lavender: for wisdom, blessings, love

Jasmine: for prosperity, the Moon

Cinnamon: for wealth, love, energy, healing


Gold: for wealth, protection, a God

Silver: for prosperity, the Moon, psychics, the Goddess

Yellow: for healing, finding employment

4e094a5a5717db1bc6565775265f7450.jpgOrange: for communication, messages, travel

Green: for prosperity, abundance, friendship, growth, Nature

Blue: for peace, calm, wisdom, benevolence

Purple: for wisdom, mysteries, wealth, grandeur, justice

Red: for success, strength, romance, protection   (In the Norse Tradition, red may be used for gold)

Pink: for love, friendship, healing

Brown: for houses, home, justice, Earth, permanence

Black: to absorb and dissolve negativity

White: all-purpose, blessing, purification, hallowing


A common piece nowadays takes on the shape of a Thor's Hammer.  A powerful symbol of strength and power, this talisman can be of great personal aid when seeking strength and protection.  Tattoos have been used as talismans for thousands of years.  Wearing jewelry or tattoos also helps Pagans find other Pagans in public. 

a2d3cde10ba08a2ce460837da68144bb.jpgWhether you buy online or make, you will need to cleanse it and consecrate it.  If stone or certain metals it can be first cleansed is water with salt.  Also it can be passed through the smoke of burning herbs (lavender, sage...) or incense.  After purified, as you are charging it with your energy, you can request that your deities bestow their protection onto it so that its wearer will be protected as well.

Norse tradition stems far back from old northern European traditions and lore.  With beautiful options coming in sterling silver, gold and other beautifully crafted metals, you are surely going to be able to find the piece that your heart is seeking.  Some of the common talismans & amulets are created for uses such as; luck, love, protection, honor, integrity, loyalty, fertility and more.  Use what speaks to you or helps you on your Path.



"She came in the evening with the man who had been sent to meet her, then she was dressed like this, so that she had a blue mantle fastened with straps, and stones were set all in the flap above; on her neck she had glass beads, a black lambskin hood on her head with white catskin inside; and she had a staff in her hand with a knob on it; it was made with brass and stones were set above in the knob; she had a belt of touch-wood, and on it was a large skin pouch, and there she kept safe her talismans (taufr) which she needed to get knowledge. She had on her feet shaggy calfskin shoes with long thongs and large knobs on the ends of those. She had on her hands catskin gloves, and they were white inside and shaggy." Eiríks saga rauða (ch 4)




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