
Tuesday, April 1, 2014



Appeal: Judge, Military, Law, Honor, Martial Arts, War, Gym, Police

Tyr (t, Tiwaz, Teiva, Ziu) is the God of oaths, justice, law, courage and warfare in Germanic Mythology, portrayed as a one handed man.  Tyr actually pre-dates Odin in archeology finds and was thought to be the original All-Father of Gods and men, dating back to 600 BC.  He was the 'Sky-Father' and the original chief God, who was later overtaken in authority and power by Odin, when Odin discovered the runes.  But he appears in the Prose Edda as the son of Odin or as Hymir's child in the Poetic Edda.

Although he appears to have no special dwelling, he is always welcome in Valhalla, and occupies one of the twelve thrones in the great council hall.  He is renowned for his great wisdom and is unrivalled in his sense of duty and honor.  Many ancient Nordic tribes sacrificed to him for victory in battle, yielding the first spoils, captives and the weaponry taken in the conflict.  His attribute is a spear; the symbol of justice, as well as a weapon. 

Tyr cared for the pup Fenrir when no one else could train him.  Tyr was the only one willing to feed Fenrir and trust him.  But Fenrir had been causing all kinds of destruction and damage.

In one story, the Gods decided to shackle the growing wolf Fenrir, but the beast broke every chain they put upon him.  Eventually they had the dwarfs make them a magical ribbon Gleipnir.  But Fenrir sensed the Gods' deceit and refused to be bound with it unless one of them put his hand in the wolf's mouth.  None, save Tyr, had the courage for such unflinching self sacrifice.

After Fenrir had been bound by the Gods, he struggled to try to break the rope.  Fenrir could not break the ribbon and enraged, bit Tyr's right hand off.  When the Gods saw that Fenrir was bound they all rejoiced, except Tyr.  Fenrir remains bound until the day of Ragnarok. 

It puts a new meaning to, 'don't bite the hand that feeds you'.  The wrist became known as the 'wolf joint' and Tyr picks up the name of 'Wolf Leavings'.  A symbol of one's honor (the handshake) needs to be sacrificed for true honor.

During Ragnarok, Tyr is destined to kill and be killed by Garm, the guard dog of Helheim.

Although representations of Tyr are less common than those of Thor, Odin or Loki - Tyr is often referenced or appears as a warrior figure in many modern depictions, particularly those relating to high fantasy, usually most identifiable by his missing arm and lust for battle.

Tyr is associated with two holidays, Imbolc and Lammas.  Both are events, in which the people can ask that the law be exercised on their behalf.  Imbolc is the time of swearing of oaths.  Lammas is the annual time of making treaties, marriages and was the time for trials.

The name Tuesday derives from the Old English "Tiwesdaeg" and literally means "Tiw's Day".  Tiw is the Old English form of the Proto-Germanic god Tiwaz, or Tyr in Norse, a God of war and law.

The Teiwaz t-rune is named after Tyr, justice, honor and was identified with this God.  The rune is phallic in shape and contains the embodiment of masculine energy, which resides in both men and women.  Like the warrior God Tyr, the Teiwaz rune represents inner strength, morality and honor.  Remember, the truth will always be victorious in the end.


I ask thee, Lord of Justice, to bring forth Justice.  Take action against the one who betrayed us, who broke oaths sworn to us.  We acted with honor, and were met with dishonor.  I ask you, Lord Tyr, grant us justice, so that others may not be brought down or brought harm because of me.  Hail unto Tyr, God of Justice.

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