Self Dedication
means just that—dedication. Acceptance of the Craft as a Path and a vow to
study and learn the lore and information to become an adept. This can be very
personal, such as for a solitary or eclectic.
Or be very public, such as at a gathering or coven. When you dedicate yourself to the Craft, it
means that you have looked at the Craft, studied, and made a decision to walk
the Wiccan Path. You have completed the
Year and a Day.
you really hold your own when questioned about what you have learned? Are you still unsure about the names and
purposes of Deity? Do you understand
that there is much more to learn and that you have only scratched the tip of
the iceberg?
you dedicate you take an oath that you will live by the Wiccan Rede. In Norse mythology, Vár or Vór ('pledge or
beloved') is a Goddess associated with oaths and agreements. And the breaking of an oath brought the gravest
dishonor. In a coven, you usually also
promise not to reveal to nonmembers any of the information that you learn about
from the coven.
is a word meaning counsel or advice. It is related with Dutch "Rede" and German Rat/raten. Today, the word rede is most often used by
Neopaganism. Some use the word to refer
to a friend. The Wiccan Rede is a statement that provides the key moral system in
the Neopagan religion of Wicca and certain other related Witchcraft-based
faiths. A common form of the Rede is 'An it harm none, do what ye will'.
For others there is a
simple short Pagan Rede. The Wolf and
Raven Tradition created their variation of the Wiccan Rede, called the Pagan
Rede. The Pagan Rede is "If you are willing to accept the consequences, do
as you will."
can write your own self-dedication ceremony or use the one that follows. Look at a few other books for ideas, or the
Internet. There’s loads of information
about Wicca and Witchcraft out there. Whatever
you do, make your dedication ritual a special time for you.
First decide if this is truly what you want to do. Look deep within yourself and meditate on the
question. Ask yourself, “Is this the Path
I want to walk?” If you decide that
Wicca is truly your calling, you can proceed with your ritual.
Set up your altar. To do this, place the
following objects on the surface you have chosen to work on:
A pentagram for protection
One silver candle for the Goddess
One illuminator candle (you will light all the other candles
from this one)
One bowl of holy water
One bowl of salt
Your athame
A censer
A candle snuffer
A chalice
A bottle of wine or juice and some cakes
A libation bowl
The words of the dedication that follows (unless you want to
improvise what you want to say to the God and Goddess)
and add what speaks towards your Path. You
will also need a lighter or book of matches to light your illuminator candle
and incense.
Lay out your ritual robe (if you plan to wear one) and your magical jewelry. A prayer shawl or skyclad (nude) are other
options. This is your time with the
Divines, so this is also a good time to turn off phones, cover clocks and block
any other distractions.
Draw your bath. To the water add …
One tablespoon of sea salt.
A couple of drops of jasmine essential oil.
your bath candles. Play meditative
music. Relax.
on the changes you will be making within yourself and your life. Are you ready to face the challenge? Think about your relationship with the Lord
and Lady. Cleanse your mind as well as
your body.
After bathing, drying, and dressing for the journey you are about to take, go
to the altar and prepare your sacred space.
First consecrate your elements.
Now take your water and walk the circle deosil (clockwise) and say:
“As I walk this circle round
I cleanse and consecrate this
Next sprinkle your salt around the circle and say:
“First with Water then with Earth
Take the incense censer and walk the circle saying:
“Next with
Fire, then with Air
Leaving us only with purity
Take your athame and mark the boundaries of the circle pulling up the circle as
you go.
Stand in front of your altar and light the illuminator candle with a match or
lighter. Welcome the God and Goddess and
thank them for coming.
Begin your Dedication to the Goddess by saying the following:
“Goddess, I stand before you in
this sacred place of power.
open my heart to your spirit.
I open my mind to your wisdom.
I dedicate myself to the learning
of your mysteries.
I dedicate my life to following
the Wiccan path.
O Great Mother, take me into your
Protect me, teach me, heal me,
and empower me.
Breathe your spirit in my body
and make me complete.
Teach me to see through eyes that
are wise.
Teach me to feel through a heart
that is compassionate.
Teach me to drink through lips
that speak of kindness.
Teach me to hear through ears
without prejudice.
Teach me to live in oneness with
the Earth.
Great Goddess, Queen of the Craft
of the Wise, I come to you as Your [son or daughter] [magical name].
From this day forward I will
follow your light and strive to learn the mysteries.”
Light the silver candle with the flame of the illuminator candle.
Begin your Dedication to the God by saying the following:
“God, I stand before you in the
sacred place of power.
I open my heart to your spirit.
I open my mind to your wisdom.
I dedicate myself to the learning
of your mysteries.
I dedicate my life to following
the Wiccan path.
O Great Father, take me into your
Protect me, teach me, heal me,
and empower me.
Breathe your spirit in my body
and make me complete.
Teach me to see through eyes that
are wise.
Teach me to feel through a heart
that is compassionate.
Teach to drink through lips that
speak of kindness.
Teach me to hear through ears
without prejudice.
Teach me to live in one with the
All powerful Lord, consort and
protector of the Lady, I come to you as your
[son or daughter] [your magical
From this moment forward I will
follow your light and strive to learn the mysteries.”
Pour the wine in the chalice and get your cakes.
Before you eat and drink, pour some of the wine and break off some of your cake
into the libation bowl for the Lord and Lady.
Now drink wine, eat the cakes, and reflect on this ritual and how you have
taken the first big step in changing your life.
When you are finished eating and drinking, thank the Lord and Lady for
attending your dedication and snuff out the gold candle and the silver candles.
Take your athame and walk widdershins (counterclockwise) around the circle and
to take it down.
Snuff out your illuminator candle and clean up. Make sure you take the contents of the
libation bowl, the Lord and Lady’s portion of the feast, and give it back to
the Earth. Go outdoors and pour it on the ground.
Congratulations! You have dedicated yourself to the Wiccan way of life. You may have enjoyed reading this dedication
ritual, but keep in mind that ritual is primarily designed to be experienced,
not read about. In other words, try it
"I am Pagan. I am a
part of the whole of Nature. The Rocks, the Animals, the Plants, the Elements,
and Stars are my relatives. Other humans are my sisters and brothers, whatever
their races, colors, genders, sexual orientations, ages, nationalities,
religions, lifestyles. Planet Earth is my home. I am a part of this large
family of Nature, not the master of it. I have my own special part to play and
I seek to discover and play that part to the best of my ability. I seek to live
in harmony with others in the family of Nature, treating others with
respect. So may it be!" ~ Selena Fox
by Denise Zimmermann & Katherine
A. Gleason
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