word Esbat
is of French origin, from s'esbattre, which loosely translates to "frolic
joyfully." In addition to
frolicking, this is a time to commune with the gods of your tradition. In some groups, the Esbat rite is followed by
a Cakes and Ale ceremony. You may also
wish to tie this in to Drawing Down the Moon.
The full moon has long had
an aura of mystery and magic about it. It
is tied to the ebbs and flows of the tide, as well as the every-changing cycle
of women's' bodies. The moon is connected
to our wisdom and intuition and many Pagans and Wiccans choose to celebrate the
full moon with a monthly ritual. It is during this time that the God becomes the strong
Father figure who cares for the Earth and all its creatures. The
Father is the ripeness of manhood and in his prime, a great leader. Any working that needs extra
power, such as help finding a new job or healing for serious conditions, can be
done now. Also, love, knowledge, legal
undertakings, money and dreams.
August 10th we will witness the biggest Full Moon of the year, called a
Supermoon or a Perigee Moon. It will be
up to 40% bigger and 30% brighter than usual. Not only will it be a big bright Supermoon but
the Perseid Meteor shower is at the same time so the sky will be full of
shooting stars. It will be a magical
The moon is the symbol of the father,
and he watches over us day and night.
He brings the changing tide, the shifting night,
the flow that changes women's bodies,
and the passion of lovers to their beloved.
His wisdom is great and all-knowing,
and we honor him tonight.
Keep your watchful eyes upon us, great father,
until the cycle returns once more,
and bring us to the next full moon,
in your love and light.
and he watches over us day and night.
He brings the changing tide, the shifting night,
the flow that changes women's bodies,
and the passion of lovers to their beloved.
His wisdom is great and all-knowing,
and we honor him tonight.
Keep your watchful eyes upon us, great father,
until the cycle returns once more,
and bring us to the next full moon,
in your love and light.
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