July is the seventh month of the year. The name of
the month was changed to July in honor of Julius Caesar during the Julian
calendar reform. It is considered the warmest month of the year in the Northern
Hemisphere and coldest month in the Southern hemisphere. Dog days begin in
early July, when the hot sultry weather of summer usually starts. July’s birth
flowers are the Larkspur or the Water Lily. The birthstone is the ruby which
symbolizes contentment. The zodiac signs for the month are Cancer (until July
22) and Leo (July 23 onwards).
It is the month for making hay. Our ancestors where
in the middle of great work in the fields, with the animals, hunting, fishing,
gathering and preparing for the season changes ahead. This is a time to store
and prepare for the times of the year when things may be leaner then now, when
things are in plenty.
Cen is the c rune (torch) c.
As in modern day, c, k and similar sounds vary in use depending on word
use. Cen is the rune of the brightly burning torch that lights up the hall in
the evening, whose flames represent the safe, tempered fire of the hearth. In many cultures dragons are viewed as representing
the primal forces in nature and the universe. Iar used for io/ia (serpent), binding or
encircling j. Occasionally, serpents and dragons are used
interchangeably, having similar symbolic functions. The Ior is protective and binding in nature.
The Seventh Hall is about partnerships. This time
also rules unions, lawsuits, contracts, partnerships, marriages, agreements,
and open enemies with the public. This can be partnerships in business,
marriage or a committed relationship. Other keywords include: business
partnerships, long-term associations, open enemies, the animus (underlying
passion or force), the relationship between soul and personality.
1 Althing
We know from numerous
ancient accounts that our ancestors held the legislative body known as the
Thing to be sacred. Tacitus wrote in The Germania, "The Assembly is
competent also to hear criminal charges, especially those involving the risk of
capital punishment. The mode of execution varies according to the offense.
Traitors and deserters are hanged on trees; cowards, shirkers, and sodomites
are pressed down under a wicker hurdle into the slimy mud of a bog."
Things were held at the
local and regional level, and in Iceland the Althing was a national event. The Althing site was considered a holy place,
making it both socially unacceptable and also sacrilegious to carry weapons.
These were democratic events, in which all free men who met certain conditions
were permitted to speak their thoughts and to have a say in what was decided. In Iceland, where the settlers did not want a
king or other ruler, the laws agreed at the Althing were the highest authority
in the land.
Normally, the Godi
(chieftains) of a region held a Thing in the spring and then took wider issues
to the Althing in the summer. Although any free man could be heard at the
Althing, it was the Godi and their advisors who finally agreed what laws to put
into place and how to apply them.
1 Full Buck
Moon M
For most types of deer in
modern English usage, the male is called a "buck" and the female is
termed a "doe", but the terms vary with dialect, and especially
according to the size of the species.
For many larger deer the male is termed a "stag", while for
other larger deer the same words are used as for cattle: "bull" and
"cow". The deer serves as a
bridge between the wild and the tame. In
Norse mythology, four stags eat among the branches of the World Tree
It is normally the month
when the new antlers of buck deer push out of their foreheads in coatings of
velvety fur. It was also often called
the Full Thunder Moon, for the reason that thunderstorms are most frequent
during this time. Plan a ritual to
decide what you will do once your goals have been met.
Surround me with calm and
let me rest in the glow of peace,
encircle me with the Moon's own light.
Let my concerns and tensions drain away
from me, pouring as water into the
4 Independence Day
Independence Day, commonly known as the Fourth of
July, is a federal holiday in the United States
commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence
on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain.
Independence Day is commonly associated with fireworks,
parades, barbecues, carnivals, fairs, picnics, concerts, baseball games, family
reunions, and political speeches and ceremonies, in addition to various other
public and private events celebrating the history, government, and traditions
of the United States. Independence Day is the national day
of the United States.
Interestingly, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, both
signers of the Declaration of Independence and presidents of the United States,
died on July 4, 1826 - exactly 50 years after the adoption of the declaration.
It is also important to note that Native Americans lived in the country and
each tribe had its own nation and government prior to the European settlers.
5 Sunna's Day
When the world was created from the body of the dead
giant Ymir by the triad Gods of Odin, Vili and Ve - the Sun, Moon and Stars
were made from the gathered sparks that shot forth from Muspellsheim, the Land
of Fire. Sunna drives the chariot of the
Sun across the sky every day. Pulled by
the horses Allsvinn and Arvak, the Sun chariot is pursued by the wolf
Skoll. It is said that sometimes he
comes so close that he is able to take a bite out of the Sun, causing an
Sunnundagr in Old Norse, gets its name from Sunna,
or Sunne the Germanic sun Goddess. In the poetic Edda, Alvissmal says, “It is
called Sol among men and Sunna among the Gods. On Sunday, embrace the higher
being in yourself by meditating on the mystery of Sowilo s.”
Understand why the s
rune represents both a guide and a goal sought after by the runester. Make
plans for the coming week and concentrate on your primary goals. If you feel
you are stuck in a frozen situation, the light of the archetypal sun can melt
even the thickest ice and set you free. The holy solar wheel spins and keeps
things in dynamic motion. Follow the path of the serpent on Sunday and you will
find many a Hidden thing.
Sunna, Lady of the sky
As your sun rises in the east
Bless my feet as I enter into the day
So that every step I take is divinely
May my mind be blessed with your
So that my decisions are sound and
Help those I love to enter into this
day with hope and joy
And be at their side as they need you.
Sunna, ruler of the dark and unknown
Give me faith and strength when I
reside in shadows
And may the negativity of others leave
me unaffected as your sun
sets in the west. Keep me and mine safe as the Moon rules the
Blessed be.
8 Wane Moon T
Waning Moon means the moon is decreasing in size,
moving from the Full Moon towards the New Moon. This is a time for spells that
banish, release and reverse. Gaze at the Moon and offer your love.
nothing compares to your beauty this
I ask thee fair crone to take away
things that do not serve me in a
positive way.
Take the things that stop my growth,
so I can serve thee, it is my oath.
Remove the things I no longer need,
so I can prepare anew, for this I
Make me new for the dark Moon phase.
I ask this great crone for the coming
13 Frank
Chimes Wulfmann Birthday
Chimes, aka Wulfmann, (1955-2011) was
an Anglo Saxon Heathen and mystic. He
was a mover and shaker in the Angelseaxisce Ealdriht, Hlaford of Ǣrest Mæþel,
and a founding member of 'A Heathen
Thing.' He had an unquenchable thirst
for knowledge about ancient Heathenry, the Anglo-Saxon Way and the Anglican
15 New Moon
New Moon or Dark Moon is when the Moon is directly
between the Earth and the Sun and therefore hidden. This is a time of new
beginnings and new undertakings.
May this new Moon be the start of good
things for you, small or big,
near or far, now is the time
to plan for the good times ahead.
15 Bragi's Day
Bragi is one of the few Gods who is welcome in any
world by any type. Rather than being a
warrior, he is a speaker for peace and a diplomat. He wanders the Nine Worlds, welcomed joyfully
into the halls of Aesir, Vanir, Jotun, Duergar, Alfar both light and dark, and
sometimes that of unwitting humans.
Bragi Odinson
Best of the
And first of the
You with the
tongue of gold,
Whose words are
like the finest mead,
We ask you best of
To inspire us
And make our words
mix well.
Bragi, let your
inspiration flow!
Commemorates historic landing of humans on the
Moon. Neil Armstrong is best known as
being the first man to step on the moon (fellow astronaut Buzz Aldrin arrived
at the moon at the same time, but was the second man to actually set foot on
the lunar surface). Since Armstrong was the mission’s pilot, it’s also said
that he was the first person to land a craft on the moon. He was also an
aerospace engineer, naval aviator, test pilot and university professor. 'There can be no great accomplishment
without risk.'
24 Wax Moon
Waxing Moon means the moon is getting larger in the
sky, moving from the New Moon towards the Full Moon. This is a time for spells
that attract, that bring positive change, spells for love, good luck and growth.
Oh Manni, now hear my plea:
hearken unto me!
As you grow, my spell enhanced
and power its magic with your dance.
31 Blue Moon
When a single month has two full Moons, the second
full Moon is called a Blue Moon. Most
years have twelve full Moons that occur approximately monthly. Every two or three years, there is an extra
full Moon. The Blue Moon, in Wiccan
religious belief, is used for setting goals for the future ahead. Since the times between the Blue Moons are
variable, it gives the Witch plenty of time to master or achieve his/her goals
before the next Blue Moon occurs. The
next blue will be July 31, 2015.
Because Blue Moons happen “once in a blue moon”,
it’s a good time to take advantage of their valued energy for doing
special magic, ceremony and ritual. The energy of the Blue Moon lends itself
nicely for setting goals and intentions. The goals and intentions chosen
should be ones that are big, important and lofty – not the average goals.
Deciding how to focus the Blue Moon energy can be made by choosing the
life area or areas that seem the most significant, such as love and
happiness, physical health, prosperity, protection and healing.
of the moon, king of the night,
of mysteries, mister of the tides,
who are ever changing and yet always constant,
ask that you guide me with your wisdom,
me grow with your knowledge,
hold me in your arms.
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