November is the eleventh month of the year. The
month kept its original name from the Latin novem meaning “nine” which
marked it the ninth month of the year in the Roman calendar. November was named
during a time when the calendar year began with March, which is why its name no
longer corresponds with its placement in the Julian and Gregorian calendars.
November’s birth flower is the mums. The birthstone is the topaz and the
citrine which symbolizes friendship. The zodiac signs are Scorpio (until
November 21) and Sagittarius (November 22 onwards).
It is the Blood month, a slaughtering time. We honor
our Gods and Goddesses of the hunt (it is deer hunting season in many parts of
the country). We thank them for a successful hunting season with a blot and
also honor those who hunt to support the family. This is a great time for
telling tales handed down through the family.
Isaz is the name of the i-rune i, meaning ice, lack of motion,
blockage. Ice can provide a helpful
bridge over dark water, or be a dangerous and treacherous trap. Moon d,
freedom and passion. Not a true Ancient
Norse Rune but one I use for practice from other runic alphabets. Its prominence in the sky and its regular
cycle of phases have, since ancient times, made the Moon an important cultural
influence on language, calendars, art and mythology. Algiz is the name conventionally given to the
z or x-rune x
for elk, protection. This rune often
also represents peace and interestingly, today’s 'Peace sign' is the Algiz
rune, encircled.
The Eleventh Hall is about your friendships and
relationship with groups of people. This time also rules organizations,
friends, alliances, fraternities, memberships, money from employer, finances of
employer, stock exchanges. It is also about your hopes, wishes and dreams.
Other keywords include: friends and social acquaintances, groups and
organizations and their activities, the New Group of World Servers.
1 Hela's Day
Food, drink, and music given
to the Dead. She has a chapter in my new
book, "Your
Divine Friends", in Lulu Publishing.
was the Germanic Goddess of the two underworlds: Helheim and Niflheim. Hela welcomes all those who do not die
gloriously in battle but of accidents, sickness or of old age, and are hence
unworthy of the higher abodes of the Gods.
Hela's realm in itself isn't bad, with older sources make it rather
pleasant, and indeed a close reflection of the idealized God-house seen in
descriptions of Valhalla. Autumn and
Winter are her seasons.
It was for that reason that
Odin gave her Helheim, to be her own and for her to rule over. By Odin giving her Helheim, Hela finally
found a place where she could feel comfortable, just being herself; a place
where no one would see her as anything other then what she truly was.
To Hela of Death,
may I honor the beloved
ancestors and go
peacefully to join them.
3 Wane Moon
This is a time to break bad
habits or bad addictions, to end bad relationships. House cleanse using sage
smudge stick or clear home energy using Moon water.
Moon of finest silver wane,
take with you bad luck and bane,
remove me from sadness and pain.
As you fade into the night,
bring new hope back in sight.
11 New Moon m
This is a time of new beginnings and new
undertakings. At this new Moon, plant a seed for the universe to tend. Set your vision upon the
Hail Dark Lord of the Crossroads,
of wisdom hard-won,
grant me Thy blessing, purify my heart,
and teach me the truth of my soul;
show me that death is but the gateway
to life.
Blessed Be.
11 Veterans Day
In the USA, Veterans Day annually
falls on November 11. This day is the anniversary of the signing of the
armistice, which ended the World War I hostilities between the Allied nations
and Germany in 1918. Veterans are thanked for their services to the United
States on Veterans Day.
The holiday is often
celebrated by having a ravioli meal.
This tradition dates back to the ending days of World War I
when President Woodrow Wilson, aware that the returning soldiers
would be longing for home cooked meals, invited 2,000 soldiers to the White House
and helped his staff chefs cook them ravioli, which had just become a mainstay
in mainstream American kitchens due to commercial canning. In his Armistice Day
address to Congress, Wilson was sensitive to the psychological toll of the lean
War years: "Hunger," he remarked, "breeds madness."
13 Friday the 13th
Friday the
13th is believed to be a day of bad luck. Some people believe that the
number 13 and black cats, which are associated with Friday 13, are symbols of
femininity. Friday the 13th has been commercialized by Hollywood movies such as
American cult horror film “Friday the 13th” and its sequels. An image of a
hockey mask is often associated with the film.
America Recycles Day is
observed on November 15, 2015. America Recycles Day (ARD) is the only
nationally recognized day dedicated to encouraging Americans to recycle and buy
recycled products. Thousands of events are held across the U.S. to raise
awareness about the importance of recycling and to encourage Americans to sign
personal pledges to recycle and buy products made from recycled materials.
29 Wax Moon G
Each phase of the Moon brings with it a special
energy for that cycle. Understanding
these energies help you to connect with and use those energies in rituals,
meditations and your daily life.
Ancient wise one, wayfarer of the
Take all that has to end, all that
must disappear and die with you,
into the darkness. I welcome your
peace, I welcome the stillness.
As you disappear into the dawn, so
I choose to go within.
Blessed be.
20 Elli's Day
In Norse mythology, Elli is a
personification of old age who, in the Prose Edda book Gylfaginning, defeats
God Thor in a wrestling match. She is
the embodiment of the crone and the wisdom and strength of the elderly. She has a chapter in my new book, "Your
Divine Friends", in Lulu Publishing.
This serves as a valuable
lesson not to underestimate old people.
We often think of the elderly as unfit, forgetful and out of touch with
modern times, but they have a wealth of knowledge and can often give good
advice. They are also not necessarily as
helpless as we imagine. There is a good
story online of this point. It was about
a shoplifter who had been apprehended.
The manager shouted "Stop! Thief!", as the criminal ran to the
door with something he had stolen. The
shoplifter tried to barge past an old lady without thinking. But it turned out the pensioner had a belt in
Judo. She grabbed the thief's arm,
twisted it and in an instant he was on the floor.
wilt support us, both when little and even to gray hairs.
our strength is of Thee, it is strength; but, when our own, it
feebleness. We return unto Thee that
from their weariness our
may rise towards Thee, leaning on the thing which Thou has
and passing on to Thyself, who hast wonderfully made
for with Thee is refreshment and true strength.
Today honors the great
craftsman as well as those artists and artisans around us. Wayland the Smith, Wayland also spelled Weland, in
Scandinavian, German, and Anglo-Saxon legend, a smith of outstanding skill. He
was, according to some legends, a lord of the elves. His story is told in the Völundarkvida,
one of the poems in the 13th-century Icelandic Elder, or Poetic Edda,
and, with variations, in the mid-13th-century Icelandic prose Thidriks saga.
25 Full Snow Moon M
The rise of the Snow Moon
signals the wane of warmth and sunlight, and heralds the coming of the dark
months of the year. Mother Earth yawns
and stretches. She's tired from all the
planting, growing and harvesting, and prepares to take a long and well-deserved
nap. As she settles in, all of nature
follows suit. Snow covers her with flakes, providing an blanket that keeps her
snug in her bed and shields her from the harsh cold of winter. Snow lessens the
loss of water by dormant plants. Plan a ritual to ask the old ones for help in
planning your future. Think about what
you wish to achieve.
From a distance
clothed in soft white light,
he graces the sky,
he rules my night,
my heart unlocked.
He holds the key
together bound eternally,
he pulls profound tides,
it inspires the ebb and flow
of my desires, my life and
the sea he does cares:
with hope, with love.
So may it be.
26 Thanksgiving
Day is a holiday celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada. Traditionally, it has been
a time to give thanks to God, friends and family. Currently, in Canada, Thanksgiving is celebrated
on the second Monday of October and in the United States,
it is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.
("harvest festival of thanks") is the
German equivalent of Thanksgiving. It is primarily a religious holiday held
during the first Sunday in October, but its celebration coincides with the
closing day of Oktoberfest, the world-famous Bavarian beer festival.
No matter when you give thanks, take time in Autumn
to do it. Honor the Divines. Take the opportunity to recharge your
spiritual batteries. Align yourself with
the Earth's shifting energies. Say 'Thank You'.
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