Sabbat Imbolc
is time for purification and spring cleaning in anticipation of the year's new
life. In Rome, it was historically a
shepherd's holiday and among Celts associated with the onset of ewes'
lactation, prior to birthing the spring lambs.
The Sun gets a little brighter, the Earth gets a little warmer and we know
that life is quickening within the soil.
The Goddess is transforming from Darkness to Maiden.
Other Names: Imbolg, Candlemas, Disting-tid, Feast of Brigid, Festival
of Light, Feast of the Virgin, Festival of Milk, Feast Day of St. Blaize, Charming
of the Plow, St. Bridget's Day
Activities: Candle lighting, Searching for signs of Spring, Gathering stones,
Make butter, Divination, Cleaning, Weather Magic
Altar: Upon a red cloth light as many candles as you can, as well as a
Brigid's cross, a hammer and an anvil, a pen, a bowl of water, bowl of seeds and
a sword
Animals: Robin, Burrowing animals, Sheep, Lamb, Dragon, Deer, Groundhog
Attunement Teas(Individually or Blended): Chamomile, Red Clover,
Rosemary, Blackberry
Colors: White, Yellow, Pink
Deities: God and Goddess as Children, All Virgin and Maiden Goddesses
Elements: Fire and Earth
Foods: Milk, Honey, Poultry, Pork, Lamb, Cheese, Butter, Dairy
Goddesses: Anu (Irish), Arianhrod (Welsh), Athena (Greek), Audhumla (Teutonic), Brynhild (Teutonic), Laufey (Teutonic),
Selene (Greek), Vesta (Roman), Aradia (Tuscan), Brigid (Irish), Gaia (Greek),
Kebehut (Egyptian), Triduana (Scottish)
Gods: Bannik (Slavic), Cupid/Eros (Greco-Roman), Diancecht (Irish),
Essus (Gaulish), Pax (Roman), Bragi (Norse),
Dainichi (Japanese), Februus (Roman), Trusto (Teutonic)
Meaning: Honor of the Virgin Goddess, First signs of returning life, Festival of
Mythical Creatures: Firebird, Dragon, Berometz
Offerings: Brigid's crosses, Twisted of twine or rope, Acts of
creativity, Clean public walkways and gardens
Plants: Evergreen, Willow, Rosemary, Clover, Dill
Pronounced: 'Im-Bolc'
Ritual Oils: Jasmine, Apricot, Carnation, Sweet Pea, Neroli, Olive,
Songs: Spring is Coming, Brigid Chant
Stones: Turquoise, Amethyst
Symbols: Candles, The Bride, Burrowing animals, Grain dolly, Sun Wheels
Taboos: Cutting or picking plants
is Coming
Tune: "Are you sleeping, Brother John?"
Tune: "Are you sleeping, Brother John?"
is coming full of flowers,
Freya smiles, Freya smiles.
Idunn and her apples, Idunn and her apples,
All is young. All is young.
Freya smiles, Freya smiles.
Idunn and her apples, Idunn and her apples,
All is young. All is young.
the corn is golden,
hair of Sif, hair of Sif.
Thor is making thunder, Thor is making thunder,
Rain pours down. Rain pours down.
hair of Sif, hair of Sif.
Thor is making thunder, Thor is making thunder,
Rain pours down. Rain pours down.
brings us fruits and bounty,
gifts of Frey, gifts of Frey.
Frigg's hearth and fire, Frigg's hearth and fire,
Safe and warm. Safe and warm.
gifts of Frey, gifts of Frey.
Frigg's hearth and fire, Frigg's hearth and fire,
Safe and warm. Safe and warm.
has come upon us,
Skadhi skis, Skadhi skis.
Uller goes a-hunting, Uller goes a-hunting,
Ravens cry. Ravens cry.
Skadhi skis, Skadhi skis.
Uller goes a-hunting, Uller goes a-hunting,
Ravens cry. Ravens cry.
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