Fertility, Prosperity, Abundance
scholars there is some ambiguity regarding Nerthus and Njord because
grammatically, Nerthus is “the same form of the name which would correspond to
the Old Norse God Njord.” (ibid). This
has led to all sorts of scholarly speculation but within the modern community
both Deities are usually worshipped as separate entities.
Jord took care of the more wild natural places on Earth, Nerthus was more
nurturing and gift giving Goddess of the Earth.
But, like Jord, there was two sides.
Nerthus was also the terrible Goddess of earthquakes, famine, flood,
storm and destruction. There was bounty,
but also tremendous danger and outright terror all contained at once in
the holy presence of this Goddess.
Tacitus specifically talks about the mysteries of Nerthus as begetting
“terror and a pious reluctance to ask what that sight can be which is only seen
by men doomed to die.” (Tacitus, chapter 40).
worship included the springtime procession of a wagon in which her image was
kept, which ended on a holy island.
Everywhere the Goddess then deigns to visit, she is met with
celebration, hospitality, and peace. All
iron objects are locked away, and no one will leave for war. When the Goddess has had her fill she is
returned to her temple by the priests.
Tacitus adds that the Goddess, the cart, and the cloth are then washed
by slaves in a secluded lake.
In addition to having influence over fertility,
she holds other Godly offices that are not stated by Tacitus. Beyond Tacitus, we have archeological
evidence of bog contents including bent iron weapons, grand strings of amber,
domestic animals and human sacrifices which some scholars believe are
consistent with what we know of Nerthus’ worship.
In days of old, the many tribes
gathered to give you honor.
On your island where sat the
scared grove,
the priest tended your cart and
sacred heiffers.
Around the land was your
carriage led.
No war was made. Weapons
were cast aside. Iron was covered.
The Folk knew peace and
Nerthus, goddess of sacred
rites, I call you now to my devotion.
Nerthus, be present at my rite!
Nerthus, as in days of old, you
are needed once more.
Let the tribes of men gather to
honor you.
Let war cease and let weapons
be cast aside.
Let peace and happiness pour
forth through the lands.
Let the Children of Earth know
and honor their Mother once more.