Frigg p
Appeal: women, destiny, earth,
weavers, nurses, family, wisdom, caretakers, secrecy, motherhood, love
of the fragmentary nature of the Norse Eddas and Sagas, there are conflicting
views of Frigg. Besides her portrayal as a devoted wife and mother, Frigg also
appears as a sorceress who wears a falcon skin and sees into the future and a woman
who covets gold and jewelry and the love of men. She and the Goddess Freya have
a lot in common. Some believe they are various facets of the same deity.

the chief Aesir Goddess, wife of Odin, Frigg
is also called
Earth Mother. Belief
originally had it that Frigg had originated from a much older and more widely
worshipped Earth Mother Goddess, associated with other Earth Mother Goddesses
that included Jorth, Fjorgyn, and Nerthus.
different symbols are associated with Frigg and the spindle is one of great
importance. When people would see at a spindle, they
would automatically think of Frigg, in much the same manner that whenever they
saw a hammer, they would automatically think of God Thor. Frigg has often been described or pictured
holding a distaff, which ties her closely to the Norns. The distaff was an implement used in weaving.
It was also a symbol of major importance, because Frigg’s use of the distaff
indicated that she was a Weaver of the Thread of Life, and by wearing that
role, Frigg was placed in charge of that which rules life itself. In other
words, while she may have had the ability to see into the future, she never
uttered a single word about what she had seen, and by withholding that
knowledge, Frigg’s actions became those of a knowing silence.
matter how you associate Frigg (Frigga),
she is a major Goddess in Norse paganism.
The English term Friday derives
from the Anglo-Saxon name for Frigg, Frige. She is associated with love, marriage and motherhood. Frigg is frequently pictured as being
very beautiful, wearing a girdle hung
with household keys and weaving clouds on her spinning wheel. Eleven
handmaidens attended her in her hall, Fensalir or "Marsh Halls," in
Odin's Heavenly Kingdom of Asgard. Frigg
was believed to travel in a chariot drawn by a pack of dogs, perfect
symbols of fidelity and faithfulness.

was the mother of Balder, and, according to some sources, she was also the
mother of Thor, the thunder God, and of Hodur, the blind God who unwittingly
killed Balder. Odin was well-known for
his extramarital affairs, so the family tree can get crossed. Frigg had great patience and tolerance, often
defending Odin when his actions were questioned.
She is the Queen of Asgard, the
All Mother. Frigg appears primarily in Norse mythological stories as a wife and
a mother. She is also described as having the power of prophecy yet she does
not reveal what she knows. Frigg is described as the only one, other than Odin,
who is permitted to sit on his high seat Hlidskjalf
and look out over the universe.
She was
known, as well, as the Goddess of the Sky; legend tells us that it was through
her art of weaving, she created the clouds. Frigg was also known as the Goddess
of Love, Fertility, Marriage and Motherhood and when her name is translated, we
can see that the name Frigg means “beloved”.
Frigg was an important Goddess, whose greatest role
was that of the Goddess and Patron of Women. It was in that particular role
that she taught young women the skills that they needed to know when they would
become old enough to enter into the adult world. Frigg was always there for
them, by protecting them and giving them inspiration. She was always there for
the adult women, as well, and she inspired and protected mothers and housewives
Frigg also protected her worshippers by bending fate.
When you combine that with her spinning, it becomes easily apparent why Frigg
is considered to be one of the most powerful Goddesses in history, as she used
her many diverse powers to help all of mankind.
A series of events occur where the Gods take revenge
upon Loki by binding him and thus furthering the onset of Ragnarok, though
Frigg is not mentioned further.
The blessing of Frigg is still invoked for birthing
women with a white candle that last burned during the winter solstice being
used as a charm to ensure a safe delivery.
Who Are Your Divine Friends?
Frigg, devoted one,
Goddess of fireside and home.
Teach me the lessons of commitment
Goddess of fireside and home.
Teach me the lessons of commitment
and contentment,
service and celebration.
Warm me within and throughout.
I light this candle in fiery offering to you,
Frigg, Goddess of Home.
Warm me within and throughout.
I light this candle in fiery offering to you,
Frigg, Goddess of Home.
Many Blessings.

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