Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Esbat Wane Moon

Esbat Wane Moon

The Hunters Moon is sometimes called the Blood Moon in October.  The leaves are falling from trees, the deer are fattened and it’s time to begin storing up meat for the long winter ahead.  It is a Moon of new goals, protection, resolution and spirituality.  The night of the Hunters Moon is a great time for divination of any kind.  At this time of year all of nature is making ready for winter. 

This is a time to reflect on what you did during the year and to evaluate your accomplishments.  Plan a ritual to remember those who have passed from this world and be sure to make an offering to them.  The waning phase is a time for turning inward and reflecting. It is a time for reaping what was put forth in the waxing phase of the moon. The waning phase is often used for banishing rituals.

October is a time of transition as the earth prepares for winter’s rest and we prepare for our journey through the dark of the year. At night there’s a chill in the air. The leaves of trees have blazed to their full autumn splendor and are drifting away on the wind. This is the time of Hecate, Cerridwen - the Dark Mothers who stands alone. This is the time to contemplate the cycle of life, death and rebirth.

2 white altar candles
1 black candle
1 pink candle
Sage, frankincense or myrrh incense (for clearing)
many small pieces of paper & a pen

Ritual Bath: Add salt to the water, or tie the following herbs in a small piece of cloth: hyssop, lavender and rosemary. Run under faucet.

As you inhale the aroma of the steaming herbs, visualize the steam breaking up any tension in your body, and exhale. Ask your body and spirit to release any thought forms that are not in accordance with your highest potential, and be willing to look at where you might be harboring doubt, suspicion, or fear.

With each inhale, affirm that you are breathing in the healing energies of the Universe, and that you can transform yourself through meditation, patience and faith.

With each exhale, affirm that the outmoded thought forms are transformed into new energy that can be utilized for growth. Let the old energy go down the drain and return to the altar, out under the moon if possible.

Light your white altar candles and incense. They are symbolic of peace, truth and protection. Meditate for a few minutes on what that means to you personally. Is there anything in your life now that is not in sync with your personal truth?

Light the black candle. The color black is an absence of color, and therefore absorbs... the black candle will represent the absorbing/transforming power of the dark moon, and as we work with it, imagine the pain or anger being pulled out of you and absorbed and transformed by the energy that is symbolized by the black candle.

Take a small piece of paper, and write with as much emotion as you can build one thing you want to release / transform.

Light one corner of the paper, and immediately drop it into a flameproof / heatproof dish (a large ashtray or a ceramic pot with some soil on the bottom would be ideal). When working with fire use caution.

Repeat with any and all emotions, fears, resentments, gripes, angers, resentments, excuses, obligations, etc. etc. etc... Until you feel clear! If you still feel bad, keep going for a while!

When you've cried, griped etc as much as you can stand, put out the black candle.

Light the pink candle. Put on your favorite music: something that makes you feel energized, happy and motivated! Now you need to focus on filling up the spaces left where the old pain was! Time to fill it in with the
affirmations of your choice... Affirmations are positive, specific statements. They help you visualize, and believe in, what you're affirming to yourself, helping you to make positive changes.

Always write affirmations in the present tense! Keep repeating them over and over until you feel great! Grounding the moment and yourself.

When you are finished, put out the pink candle, and save it and the black candle until the next time you do this exercise.

As with anything Wiccan and Pagan, there isn't really a right or wrong way to do things. It's much more about listening to your body and soul and feel your way through life.  Some people have preferences of which moon cycle they like best so experiment to find out which ones you like best.

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