Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Sabbat Summer Solstice

Sabbat Summer Solstice

The Summer Solstice or Midsummer was second only to Yule in importance to the ancient Northman. It is a time for general laughter, bonfires, food and dances.  The day is dedicated to Baldur, God of Light and in honor of Sunna, Goddess of the Sun.  A fire is lit in honor of a solar deity and the Sun, jumping through the flames will purify and renew energies.  As we pass through the longest days and the shortest night of the year, it is appropriate to meditate on the good things of life.

Midsummer is the religious celebration held at the summer solstice.  This feast usually falls around June 20-21. Midsummer-related holidays, traditions and celebrations are found in all the Germanic countries of Northern Europe. Midsummer's eve is considered the second greatest festival of the Germanic holy year, comparable only to the 12 days of Yule.  Set up your altar with symbols of the season - solar symbols, candles and Midsummer fruits and vegetables.

Other Names: Summer Solstice, Litha, Sun Blessing, Thing-tide, St. John's Day, Midsummer

Activities: Jumping Balefire, Gathering Herbs, Clan Gatherings, Handfasting, Volunteer at Food Kitchen

Animals: Wren, Summer Birds, Horses, Cattle

Attunement Teas(Individually or Blended): Anise, Carrot Drinks, Lemon, Nettle, Orange

Colors: Red, Gold, Green, Blue, Tan

Deities: Father Gods, Mother Goddesses, Pregnant Deities, Sun Gods

Foods: Summer Squash, Lemons, Oranges, Cinnamon, Sunflower Seeds, Sun-dried Tomatoes, Ale, Sun Tea

Goddesses: Athena (Greek), Bona Dea (Roman), Freya (Norse), Isis (Egyptian), Juno (Roman), Artemis (Greek), Banba (Irish), Dag (German), Dana (Irish), Gerd (Teutonic), Jord (Teutonic), Sunna (Norse)

Gods: Dagda (Irish), Hyperion (Greek), Ra (Egyptian), Thor (Norse), Apollo (Greco-Roman), Balder (Norse), Helios (Greek), Oak/Holly King (Anglo-Celtic), Prometheus (Greek), Sol/Helios (Greco-Roman), Odin (Norse)

Key Action: Nurture and Love, Growth

Meaning: Honoring of Sun, Saying, Preparation for Harvest, Honoring the Pregnant Goddess

Mythical Creatures: Satyrs, Faeries, Firebird, Dragon, Thunderbird, Minticore

Plants: Oak, Mistletoe, Frankincense, Lemon, Sandalwood, Heliotrope, Copal, Saffron, Laurel, Ylang-Ylang

Ritual Oils: Heliotrope, Cinnamon, Sandalwood, Lavender, Orange, All Mint Oils, Lemon, Saffron

Stones: Emerald, Jade, Tiger's Eye, Lapis Lazuli, Diamond

Symbols: Fire, The Sun, Blades, Mistletoe, Oak Trees, Balefire, Sun Wheels, Faeries

Taboos: Giving Away Fire, Sleeping Away from Home, Neglecting Animals

Prayer to Sol

Heilsa Sol, Mundilfari's Daughter!
Beautiful Lady of the Sky!
You shine down upon me as you shown down upon my ancestors,
And Norns willing will shine down upon my descendants.
Your life giving rays bestow warmth and growth,
Your passage marks the axis of the year.
I thank You for Your strength and protection.
I urge You to urge Your steeds to the utmost speed,
To keep ahead of the wolf that pursues,
And fend off the age of darkness for one more day.
Hail Sol!

~ Haakon Donalson

Sunna: Forgotten Goddess of the Sun

I hail Sunna, glorious in Her power.
It is Her life-giving warmth
That nourishes and sustains us.
I give praise to this radiant Goddess.
I celebrate Her glorious strength.
Without her loving touch,
Our fields would wither.
Without her gentle care,
Our world would be bleak and black.
I will praise Her gifts,
More beautiful than amber,
More precious than gold.
Hail, Sunna, life-giver and protector!

~ Sophie Oberlander

Midsummer Prayer

Hail Sunna
Daughter of Mundilfari the time-turner,
Sister of light-gleaming Mani,
Wife of Glenr, and fair mother,
We hail you.

Day-Star, Light-Bringer,
Elf-Beam, Ever-glow,
All-bright, fair-wheel,
We greet you.

Shining grace bestow upon us,
Healing hands lay upon us,
Blessings of warmth, joy and plenty
We ask of you.

Hail to thee Sunna,
Dancing Fire of Sky and Air,
Lady of the Midnight Sun,
Golden, ever-Shining One.
We Hail!

~ K. C. Hulsman

To Sunna

I see you at first light,
creeping across the horizon,
a beacon,
calling me to arise,
Your summoning rays,
casting shadows across the floor.
Hues of amber,
waves of yellow,
Your beauty is bright,
warm and full;
in the brief moment, when you sink into the Earth,
I wait in slumber
for Your welcomed return.

~ Larisa C Hunter

Midsummer is one of the four solar holidays and is considered the turning point at which summer reaches its height and the Sun shines longest.  The focus is nearly always on celebrating the power of the Sun.  People gather to watch the bonfire and celebrate the solstice.

This is the longest day and the shortest night of the year: Now Sunna begins her decline, sliding into the darkness which will culminate six months from now at Yule. Identifying the sun with the brightness of Baldur, we celebrate in honor of both. Hold a blot to Baldur and High Feast. This was also the traditional time for holding the All Thing in ancient times.

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